

58. Regan, P., *Michikyan, M., *Subrahmanyam, K., Bartholomew, J.B., Bessaha, M.L., Castillo, L.G., Ham, L.S., Hanson, M., Harkness, A., Martinez, Jr., C.R., Meca, A., Piña Watson, B., Schwartz, S.J., & Zamboanga, B.L. (in press). “I haven’t been in the right mind:” The experiences of first-generation and continuing-generation university students during the COVID-19 pandemic. College Student Journal.

57. *Manzo, G., Piña-Watson, B., Kim, S.Y. (in press) Minority status stress and academic outcomes among ethnic minority college students: Anxiety and quality of life as mediating mechanisms. Journal of American College Health. Abstract Link

56. Meza, J.I., Piña-Watson, B., *Garcia, A., *Manzo, G., & *Gonzales, I.M. (in press). Caregiveryouth intergeneration acculturation conflict moderates the relationship between depression severity and suicidality among female Mexican-descent college students. Journal of American College Health. Abstract Link

55. *Rahman, A., Sánchez, M., Bursac, Z., Whiting, C.Y., Piña-Watson, B., Taskin, T., Ramírez-Ortiz, D., Leinaar, E., Estrada, Y., Lozano, A., Nehme, L., & Cano, M.Á. (in press). Depressive Symptoms, Family Cohesion, and Acculturation Gap Conflicts among Latinx Emerging Adults. Family Relations. Abstract Link

54. Cano, M. A., De La Rosa, M., Schwartz, S. J., Salas-Wright, C. P., Keum, B. T.H., Lee, C. S., Pinedo, M., Cobb, C. L., Field, C. A., Sanchez, M., Castillo, L. G., Martinez, P., Lorenzo-Blanco, E. I., Piña-Watson, B., & de Dios, M. A. (in press). Alcohol use severity among Hispanic emerging adults: Examining intragroup marginalization, bicultural self-efficacy, and the role of gender within a stress and coping framework. Behavioral Medicine. Abstract Link

53. Lopez, B.G., Luque, A., & Piña-Watson, B. (published online) Context, intersectionality, and resilience: Moving toward a more holistic study of bilingualism in cognitive science. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology. Abstract Link

52. Perrotte, J. K., Piña-Watson, B., Baumann, M. R., Weston, R., Morissette, S. B., Gulliver, S. B., Grigsby, T. J., & Garza, R. T. (in press). Domains matter: A prospective investigation of traditional feminine gender roles and alcohol use among Latinas. Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse. Abstract Link


51. Romero, A.J., Piña-Watson, B., Van Campen, K. (2022). Bicultural Stress. In: Levesque, R.J. (eds) Encyclopedia of Adolescence. Springer, Cham. Abstract Link

50. Nagoshi, J. L., Kulis, S., Marsiglia, F. F., & Piña-Watson, B. (2022). Accounting for linguistic acculturation, coping, antisociality and depressive affect in the gender role-alcohol use relationship in Mexican American adolescents: a moderated mediation model for boys and girls. Journal of ethnicity in substance abuse, 21(2), 499-521. Abstract Link

49. **Jimenez, A., Piña-Watson, B., & *Manzo, G. (2022) Resilience through family: Family support as an academic and psychological protective resource for Mexican descent first generation college students. Journal of Hispanic Higher Education, 2, 352-363. Abstract Link

48. *Crane, P.R., Talley, A.E., Piña-Watson, B. (2022). This is what a scientist looks like: Increasing Hispanic/Latina women’s identification with STEM using relatable role models. Journal of Latinx Psychology, 10, 112-127. Abstract Link

47. O’Gara, J., Gulbas, L., *Suarez-Bonilla, *G., Manzo, G., Piña-Watson, B., Zayas, L. (2022) Father- Daughter Relationships Among Latina Adolescents Who Attempted Suicide: A Dyadic Analysis. Family Process, 61, 890-905. Abstract Link

46. *Thornhill, C. W., Castillo, L. G., Piña-Watson, B., *Manzo, G., & Cano, M., Á. (2022). Mental health among Latinx emerging adults: Examining the role of familial accusations of assimilation and ethnic identity. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 78(5), 892-912. Abstract Link

45. *Manzo, G., Piña-Watson, B., *Gonzalez, I.M., Meza, J.I., & *Garcia, A. (2022) Disentangling acculturation and enculturation intergenerational gaps: Examining mother-youth value discrepancies & mental health among Mexican-descent college students. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 78(2), 298-320. Abstract Link


44. Piña-Watson, B., *Cruz, A., & *Neduvelil, A. (2021). Caregiver-child relationship quality as a gateway for suicide risk resilience: Don’t discount the men in Mexican descent youths’ lives. Archives of Suicide Research, 24, 391-402. Abstract Link

43. Aceves, D., & Piña-Watson, B. (2021). Interpersonal theory of suicide using a familismo value lens among emerging Mexican descent adults. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 43, 80-94. Abstract Link

42. Piña-Watson, B., *Cox, K., & *Neduvelil, A. (2021). Mexican descent college student risky sexual behaviors and alcohol use: The role of general and cultural based coping with discrimination. Journal of American College Health, 69, 82-89. Abstract Link

41. Perrote, J. K., Martin, J. L., & Piña-Watson, B. (accepted). Traditional feminine gender roles, alcohol use, and protective behavioral strategies among Latina college students. Journal of American College Health, 69, 644-652. Abstract Link


40. Llamas, J., Piña-Watson, B., Lorenzo-Blanco, E.I., Das, M., Rivera Perez, M., & Rodriguez, V. (2020) Keeping it old school: Profiles of traditional gender role values and life satisfaction among Mexican descent adolescents. Journal of Latinx Psychology, 8, 280-299. Abstract Link

39. Thoen, M. A., Dodson, L. E., *Manzo, G., Piña-Watson, B., Trejos-Castillo, E. (2020). Agency-offered and officer-utilized suicide prevention and wellness programs: A national study. Psychological Services, 17(2), 129-140. Abstract Link

38. Romero, A.J., Piña-Watson, B., *Stevens, A.K., Schwartz, S.J., Unger, J.B., Zamboanga, B.L., Szapocznik, J., Lorenzo-Blanco, E.I., Cano, M.A., Meca, A., Baezconde-Garbanati, L., Córdova, D., Villamar, J.A., Soto, D.W., Lizzi, K.M., Des Rosiers, S.E., Pattarroyo, M., & Oshri, A. (2020). Disentangling relationships between bicultural stress and mental well-being among Latinx immigrant adolescents. Journal of Consulting & Clinical Psychology, 88, 149-159. Abstract Link


37. Piña-Watson, B., *Gonzalez, I., & *Manzo, G. (2019). Mexican descent adolescent resilience through familismo in the context of intergenerational acculturation conflict on depressive symptoms. Translational Issues in Psychological Science, 5, 326-334. Abstract Link

36. *Moise, R., Meca, A., Schwartz, S.J., Unger, J.B., Lorenzo-Blanco, E.I., Szapocznik, J., Cano, M.A., Piña-Watson, B., Des Rosiers, S.E., Soto, D.W., Pattarroyo, M., Villamar, J.A., Lizzi, K.M. (2019). The use of cultural identity in predicting health lifestyle behaviors in Latinx immigrant adolescents. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 25, 371-378. Abstract Link

35. *Perrotte, J., Lui, P. P., Zamboanga, B. L., & Piña-Watson, B. (2019) Pregaming among Latina/o Emerging Adults: Do Acculturation and Gender Matter? Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse, 18, 530-548. Abstract Link

34. Piña-Watson, B., Romero, A. J., Navarro, R., Ojeda, L. (2019). Bicultural stress, coping, and psychological functioning among Mexican-descent and White college students. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 75, 1249-1266. Abstract Link

33. Lorenzo-Blanco, E. I., Meca, A., Piña-Watson, B., Zamboanga, B., Szapocznik, J., Cano, M.A., Córdova, D., Unger, J.B., Romero, A., Des Rosiers, S.E., Soto, D.W., Villamar, J.A., Pattarroyo, M., Lizzi, K.M., & Schwartz, S.J. (2019). Family functioning trajectories among Latino families: Links with cultural stress, emotional well-being, and behavioral health. Child Development, 90, 506-523. doi: 10.1111/cdev.12914 Abstract Link

32. Piña-Watson, B., Llamas, J., **Garcia, A., & *Cruz, A. (2019). A multidimensional developmental approach to understanding intragroup marginalization and mental health among adolescents and emerging adults of Mexican descent. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 41, 42-62. Abstract Link


31. Piña-Watson, B., *Martinez, A.J., **Cruz, L.N., Llamas, J.D., & López, B.G. (2018). Ethnic Identity Affirmation and Ambition for Academic Training among Mexican Descent Adolescents: Examining Depressive Symptoms, Life Satisfaction, and Academic Attitudes as Mediating Mechanisms. Psychology in the Schools, 55, 1155-1170. Abstract Link

30. *Heredia, D., Piña-Watson, B., Castillo, L., Ojeda, L., & Cano, M.A. (2018). Academic nonpersistence among Latina/o college students: Examining cultural and social factors. Journal of Diversity in Higher Education, 11, 192-200. doi:10.1037/dhe0000041 Abstract Link

29. Romero, A., Piña-Watson, B., & Toomey, R. (2018). When is bicultural stress associated with loss of hope and depressive symptoms? Variation by ethnic identity status among Mexican descent youth. Journal of Latina/o Psychology, 6, 49 63.  doi:10.1037/lat0000078 Abstract Link


28. Lorenzo-Blanco, E. I., Meca, A., Unger, J.B., Romero, A., Szapocznik, J., Piña-Watson, B., Cano, M.A., Zamboanga, B., Baezconde-Garbanati, L., Des Rosiers, S.E., Soto, D.W., Villamar, J.A., Lizzi, K.M., Pattarroyo, M. & Schwartz, S. J. (2017). Longitudinal effects of Latino parent cultural stress, depressive symptoms, and family functioning on youth emotional well-being and health risk behaviors. Family Process, 56, 981-996. doi:10.1111/famp.12258  Abstract Link

27. Romero, A.J., & Piña-Watson, B. (2017). Acculturative stress and bicultural stress: Psychological measurement and mental health. In S. Schwartz and J. Unger (Eds.). Handbook of Acculturation and Health. Oxford Handbook. doi:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190215217.013.8   Abstract Link

26. Piña-Watson, B., Das, M., Molleda, L., & Camacho, C. (2017). Ethnic Identity, Life Satisfaction, and Depressive Symptoms of Mexican Descent Adolescents: Self-Esteem as a Mediating Mechanism. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences39, 283-296. doi:10.1177/0739986317713263 Abstract Link

25. Schwartz, S. J., Unger, J. B., Meca, A., Lorenzo-Blanco, E. I., Baezconde-Garbanati, L., Cano, M. A., Piña-Watson, B., Szapocznik, J., Zamboanga, B. L., Córdova, D., Romero, A. J., Lee, T. K., Soto, D. W., Villamar, J. A., Lizzi, K. M., Des Rosiers, S., & Pattarroyo, M. (2017). Personal identity development in Hispanic immigrant adolescents: Links with positive psychosocial functioning, depressive symptoms, and externalizing problems. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 46, 898-913. doi 10.1007/s10964-016-0615-y  Abstract Link

24. Piña-Watson, B., & Abraído-Lanza, A (2016). The intersection of fatalismo and pessimism on depressive symptoms and suicidality of Mexican American adolescents: An attribution perspective. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 23, 91-101  doi:10.1037/cdp0000115 Abstract Link


23. Lorenzo-Blanco, E.I., Meca, A., Unger, J.B., Romero, A., Gonzales-Backen, M., Piña-Watson, B., Cano, M.A., Zamboanga, B., Des Rosiers, S.E., Soto, D.W., Villamar, J.A., Lizzi, K.M., Pattarroyo, M., & Schwartz, S. J. (2016). Latino parent acculturation stress: Longitudinal effects on family functioning, youth mental health, and substance use. Journal of Family Psychology, 30, 966-976. doi:10.1037/fam0000223 Abstract Link

22. Ojeda, L., Piña-Watson, B., & Gonzalez, G. (2016). The role of social class, ethnocultural adaptation, and masculinity ideology on Mexican American college men’s well-being. Psychology of Men and Masculinity, 17, 373-379.  doi:10.1037/men0000023 Abstract Link

21. Córdova, D., Schwartz, S. J., Unger, J. B., Baezconde-Garbanati, L., Villamar, J. A., Soto, D. W., Des Rosiers, S., Kyoung Lee, T., Mecca, A., Cano, M. A., Lorenzo-Blanco, E. I., Oshri, A., Salas-Wright, C. P., Piña-Watson, B., & Romero, A. J. (2016). A longitudinal test of the parent-adolescent family functioning discrepancy hypothesis: A trend toward increased HIV risk behaviors among immigrant Hispanic adolescents. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 45, 2164-2177. doi:10.1007/s10964-016-0500-8 Abstract Link

20. Cano, M. A., Castro, Y., de Dios, M. A., Schwartz, S. J., Lorenzo-Blanco, E. I., Roncancio, A. M., Martinez, M. J., Sheehan, D. M., Auf, R., Piña-Watson, B., Huynh, Q., & Zamboanga, B. L. (2016). Associations of ethnic discrimination with symptoms of anxiety and depression among Hispanic emerging adults: A moderated mediation model. Anxiety, Stress, & Coping, 29, 699-707. doi:10.1080/10615806.2016.1157170 Abstract Link

19. *Davis, A. N., Carlo, G., Schwartz, S. J., Unger, J. B., Zamboanga, B. L., Lorenzo-Blanco, E. I., Cano, M. A., Baezconde-Garbanati, L., Oshri, A., Streit, C., Martinez, M. M., Piña-Watson, B., Lizzi, K., & Soto, D. (2016). The longitudinal associations between discrimination, depressive symptoms, and prosocial behaviors in U.S. Latino/a recent immigrant adolescents. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 45, 457-470. doi: 10.1007/s10964-015-0394-x Abstract Link

18. Piña-Watson, B., Lorenzo-Blanco, E.I., *Dornhecker, M., *Martinez, A.J., & Nagoshi, J.L. (2016). Moving away from a cultural deficit to a holistic perspective: Traditional gender role values, academic attitudes, and educational goals for Mexican descent adolescents. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 63, 307-318. doi: 10.1037/cou0000133  Abstract Link


17. Piña-Watson, B., Llamas, J., & *Stevens, A. K. (2015). Attempting to successfully straddle the cultural divide: Hopelessness model of bicultural stress, mental health, and caregiver connection for Mexican descent adolescents. Journal of Counseling Psychology62, 670. doi:10.1037/cou0000116. Abstract Link

16. Piña-Watson, B., *Dornhecker, M., & *Salinas, S. R. (2015). The impact of bicultural stress on Mexican American adolescents’ depressive symptoms and suicidal ideation: Gender matters. Hispanic Journal of Behavior Sciences, 37, 342-364.  doi:10.1177/0739986315586788  Abstract Link

15. Cano, M. A., de Dios, M. A., Castro, Y., Vaughan, E. L., Castillo, L. G., Lorenzo-Blanco, E. I., Piña-Watson, B., Cardoso, J. B., Ojeda, L., Cruz, R. A., Correa-Fernandez, V., Ibañez, G., Auf, R., *Molleda, L. M. (2015). Alcohol use severity and depressive symptoms among late adolescent Hispanics: Testing associations of acculturation and enculturation in a bicultural transaction model. Addictive Behaviors, 49, 78-82.  doi:10.1016/j.addbeh.2015.06.002  Abstract Link

14. Piña-Watson, B., & Castillo, L. G. (2015). The role of the perceived parent–child relationship on Latina adolescent depression. Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal, 32, 309-315. doi:10.1007/s10560-014-0374-0 Abstract Link

13. Piña-Watson, B., López, B., Ojeda, L., & Rodriguez, K. (2015). Cultural and cognitive predictors of academic motivation among Mexican American adolescents: Caution against discounting the impact of cultural processes. Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development43, 109-121. doi:10.1002/j.2161-1912.2015.00068.x  Abstract Link

12. Schwartz, S., Unger, J.B., Baezconde-Garbanati, L., Zamboanga, B.L., Lorenzo-Blanco, E.I., Des Rosiers, S.E., Romero, A.J., Cano, M.A., Gonzales-Backen, M.A., Córdova, D., Piña-Watson, B., Huang, S., Villamar, J.A., Soto, D., Pattarroyo, M., & Szapocznik, J. (2015). Trajectories of cultural stressors and effects on mental health and substance use among recently arrived Hispanic immigrant adolescents. Journal of Adolescent Health, 56, 433-439. doi:10.1016/j.jadohealth.2014.12.011 Abstract Link


11. Ojeda, L., & Piña-Watson, B. (2014). Caballerismo may protect against the role of machismo on Mexican day laborers’ self-esteem. Psychology of Men & Masculinity, 15, 288-295. doi:10.1037/a0033450 Abstract Link

10. Piña-Watson, B., Jimenez, N., & Ojeda, L. (2014). Self-construal, career decision-making self-efficacy, and perceived barriers predict Mexican American women’s life satisfaction. Career Development Quarterly, 62, 210-223. doi:10.1002/j.2161-0045.2014.00080.x  Abstract Link

9. Piña-Watson, B., Castillo, L.G., Jung, E., & Ojeda, L., Castillo-Reyes, R. (2014). The Marianismo Beliefs Scale: Validation with Mexican American adolescent girls and boys. Journal of Latina/o Psychology, 2, 113-130. doi:10.1037/lat0000017 Abstract Link

8. Piña-Watson, B., Castillo, L. G., Rodriguez, K. M., & Ray, S. (2014). Brief report: Familial factors related to suicidal ideation Latina adolescents in the United States. Archives of Suicide Research18, 213-220. doi:10.1080/13811118.2013.824827 Abstract Link

7. Ojeda, L., Castillo, L. G., Rosales Meza, R., & Piña-Watson, B. (2014). Mexican Americans in higher education: Cultural adaptation and marginalization as predictors of college persistence intentions and life satisfaction. Journal of Hispanic Higher Education13, 3-14. doi:10.1177/1538192713498899 Abstract Link

6. Navarro, R., Ojeda, L., Swartz, S., Piña-Watson, B., & Cantu, L. (2014). Cultural self, personal self: Links with life satisfaction among Mexican American college students. Journal of Latina/o Psychology2, 1-20. doi:10.1037/lat0000011 Abstract Link

5. Ojeda, L., Edwards, L., Hardin, E., & Piña-Watson, B. (2014). The role of behavioral and cognitive cultural orientation on Mexican American college students’ life satisfaction. Journal of Hispanic Higher Education13, 63-74. doi:10.1177/1538192713513464  Abstract Link


4. Piña-Watson, B., Ojeda, L., Castellon, N., & Dornhecker, M. (2013). Familismo, ethnic identity, and bicultural stress as predictors of Mexican American adolescents’ positive psychological functioning. Journal of Latina/o Psychology1, 204-217.  doi:10.1037/lat0000006 Abstract Link

3. Piña-Watson, B., Castillo, L. G., Ojeda, L., & Rodriguez, K. M. (2013). Parent conflict as a mediator between marianismo beliefs and depressive symptoms for Mexican American college women. Journal of American College Health, 61, 491-496. doi:10.1080/07448481.2013.838567 Abstract Link

2. Ojeda, L., & Piña-Watson, B. (2013). Day laborers’ life satisfaction: The role of familismo, spirituality, work, health, and discrimination. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 19, 270-278. doi:10.1037/a0032961 Abstract Link


1. Ojeda, L., Piña-Watson, B., Castillo, L. G., Khan, N., Castillo, R., & Leigh, J. (2012). Acculturation, enculturation, ethnic identity, and conscientiousness as predictors of Latino boys’ and girls’ career decision self-efficacy. Journal of Career Development, 39, 208-228. doi:10.1177/0894845311405321 Abstract Link

Selected In-Progress Manuscripts:

Piña-Watson, B. *Cruz, A., *Neduvelil, A. Connection to Both Male and Female Caregivers provide a Gateway for Suicide Resilience Despite Conflict: Don’t Discount the Men in Mexican Decent Youths’ Lives. Archives of Suicide Research. (revise & resubmit)

Piña-Watson, B., Llamas, J., & *Cruz, A. Mexican descent adolescent and emerging adult familial intragroup marginalization: Associations with Depression, Suicidality, Alcohol Use, Self-Esteem, and Life Satisfaction. Journal of Orthopsychiatry. (revise & resubmit)

Piña-Watson, B., Castillo, L.G., & Ojeda, L. Influence of the caregiver-child acculturation gap on Mexican American adolescent depression and suicidality. Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology (under review)

Piña-Watson, B., Vega, D., *Cruz, A., & Lorenzo-Blanco. Family Conflict & Latina/o Youth Depression, Hopelessness, Suicidality, & Life Satisfaction: An Examination of Gender Role Values. Journal of Child & Family Studies. (under review)

Piña-Watson, B., Lavender-Bratcher, D. *Contreras, S, *Das, M., & *Cruz, A. Where do I fit in?: The Affect on Latino Youth’s Mental Health When Discriminated Against Simultaneously from Within and Without. Journal of Clinical Psychology. (under review)

Piña-Watson, B., *Gonzalez, I., & *Manzo, G.  Mexican descent adolescent resilience through familismo: Examination as a protective factor in the relationship between family conflict and depressive symptoms. Translational Issues in Psychological Sciences. (under review)

Piña-Watson, B., *Manzo, G., & *Gonzalez, I.. Latino Familismo Value Guilt Discrepancy: A Cognitive Dissonance Model to Explain Anxiety, Depression, and Suicidality of Latina/o Emerging Adults. Multicultural Counseling & Development. (under review)

* = denotes student status