Lab Director

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 Brandy Piña-Watson
is from a small city in the south Texas gulf coast region: Port Lavaca (go Sandcrabs!). She received her Ph.D. in counseling psychology at Texas A&M University in 2014 (Whoop!). She is currently a tenure-track Assistant Professor in the Counseling Psychology program within the Department of Psychological Sciences at Texas Tech University.  Dr. Piña-Watson’s research focuses on understanding how individual factors, family dynamics, culture, and society impact Latinx adolescent and emerging adult depression, suicidality, and well-being with a particular focus on the Mexican descent population.  Her research takes a holistic and resiliency approach acknowledging the complexity and intersection of various identities and contexts that may contribute to well-being and mental health disparities. In her spare time, Dr. Piña-Watson enjoys spending time with friends and family, watching Netflix, cooking, making arts & crafts, reading, and doing any activity outdoors that involves water and sunshine.